"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will leave psychological scars that will live with me for the rest of my life, hampering my progress, eroding my self-confidence and potentially leading to an early - and largely unmourned - death"
Hmm..Notice the language of Malaysian's these days? Its always %$#@@ this, F*** that, *censored*..I think our society is getting worse in this area. Why must people start using vulgar words or call other people names when they start to get angry? Can't they keep those words to themselves so other people won't have to hear it?You can even hear people using that type of language in schools...Yeahh, kids these days lose their ear virginity quite early..
I mean it would only stir up anger in everyone..Whats the use of that? It won't solve anything. But then again, I'm sure everyone has moments where they are so angry the let it go by using vulgar language. If its just once in a while I guess its ok..But people whoose daily conversation consist of 80% of words starting with the letter-F are just.......nvm...
Yaa.. I know watcha thinking...This Jo-Shua must be a saint....vulgar words only maaaaaa....dah biasa laaa....
Yeahh.. I'm not saying that I'm perfect or anything but I try my best to restrain myself from using bad words or at least keep them to myself...insulting people is not my habit you know..
I know this topic is kinda random, but I've got nothing to do right now.. Bored of "studying" for the most boring subject in the world(for me anyways) - Biology.
Hmm......Glucagon is secreted when blood glucose level in high...bla bla blaaa