Running nose!
Excuse me, has anyone seen my nose? I think it ran away from me..
The reason why I can't post photos on my blog now, or even blog for that matter is because my internet connection in my house in Malaysia is incredible slow. Its simply unbelievable. It makes a 56kbps connection look like a speeding bullet! Wooshhh!
I miss the connection back in IH where everything was fast (or at least normal speed).
Facebook, oh facebook. And don't even get me started with youtube.
Ok, it may sound like I'm exaggerating, (I may be, but just a teeny bit). Let me paint you a better picture of my internet non-connection:
The things I did while waiting for my profile page on facebook to load up:
Yes, I'm still alive and well. Thanks for asking.
The reason why I've been missing from blogging is because the internet at home is unbearably slow. So slow, it makes watching ice melt exciting.
Sigh. Oh well, I'll be back in New Zealand in about 2 months time.
Anyways, an update on my life! I'm doing an internship with BP now (Can't say much about my job- Don't think I'm allowed to talk a lot about my job ) My boss might even be reading this now..Gasp.
Life back here is as usual.
Hmm.. I'll find something more interesting to blog about soon. In the meantime, watch this:
P.S: Oh, can someone recommend me a good ebook to read?