Monday, February 20, 2006

The Mou-Liu-ness of My Class

Believe it or not, My class (well, at least some part of it) just got more mou-liu today..

At Bio class, we were supposed to do some experiment using sodium bicarbonate for photosynthesis...But Hui Ning found more fun way of using sodium bicarbonate...

Observe :


And then we had physics class. After doing some boring experiment, I got a bit bored, so I took some of the blue-tack and made :

A dinosaur!!!!..Barney's cousin!!..yeahh...mou-liu right?

After that, things started to get a bit out-of-hand

A Duck/Platipus!!!!


Haha..The final product..Duck/Platipus in a pond together with some leafy things

Oh no!!!Teacher is coming!! Hide it under that cloth quick!!!......

I think teacher might still see it...Hide it somewhere else!!

Aaaa..Here is much better...Now, zoom out..


Hao Wei making something else

We were supposed to do this with our Coca-Cola Cans...

But..again, Hao Wei found a better way to use it..

Blue-Tack guy climbing up a Coke Can..

Here he is again...And that's a swimming trunks you dirty minded people!!..

*Nothing to say*

We left it in the box so the next class would find it

A better photo

Time seems to fly by when you are making blue-tack people in class....

And when I came back home, I saw this..

The basket thing is supposed to prevent the ANTS from gettingto the banana




My expression right now :

*Huge drop of sweat rolling down the back of my head*

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