My laptop just when crazy yesterday!!!
I was happily surfing the net when I heard some wierd noise coming out of my hard disk. Then all of the sudden :
The Blue Screen of Doom!!!!
I was like "What the???????"
My Laptop just suddenly went crazy. No warning given. I didn't go like "excuse me, but I think there's something wrong with me so I'm gonna restart now"
Its just like a dog. It poops whenever and wherever it wants to, without any warning.
But fortunately, I managed to get it going again today albeit it being a bit slow. I guess I have to reformat it soon.
On the other hand, I just recieved my A-levels results today instead of friday!!!!
For those who are not so familiar with the Edexcel A-levels system, let me me give some insight. A-levels is split into 2 parts, the As (Advance Subsidary) and the A2 (The second and harder part). And for Edexcel board (Not to be confused with the Cambridge board) the As consists of Units 1,2 and 3. And the A2 consists of unit 4,5 and 6 for each subject. Last term, I took units 1,2,3 and 4 that means I basically took all of my As and a small part of my A2.
Hmmm, I'm kinda bored now and its been a long time since I wrote an essay. So I will ceritakan my experience today in essay form! Its been more than 1 year since I wrote an essay so please excuse my english.
Finally the day arrived. The results was only one hallway away. Feeling nervous, I carefully measured each step I took in the dreaded hallway hoping to prolong the inevitable. But my efforts were futile as slowly but surely, I approached the lecture hall where my fate was to be determined. During this time, I thought back on my performance during the exam. Clearly, I had to go through much stress and worries before sitting for my exam. I looked at everyone beside me and noticed their expressions on their faces. Some had a big frown on their face and were busy calling up their parents to tell them the bad news. Seeing this didn't help me at all as it made me think that I would be one of them if I didn't do well. Oh well, at least I won't be alone, I thought. But then there are those that were much more excited than the rest of us. Most likely, these people had passed their exams with flying colours as they were showing the whole world their wonderful results. I couldn't help but turn green with jealousy.
Then the time came where I finally decided to take a leap of faith and decided to go collect my results hoping for the best. I could see the person in charge of handing out my exam slip. She was only 3 meters away, but to me at that time the distance apart seemed furthur than the distance from KL to Penang. I inhaled as much air as my lungs could take without bursting and put one of my feet in front of the other.
Ok, I was only 4 steps away. At this point the world suddenly stopped spinning. Everything turned silent as if someone had a remote control and muted the world. People around me were talking but no sound came out. The silence was deafening.
3 steps away. My heartbeat rate must have rose from 70 beats per second to a whopping 120 beats in just a few seconds. The excitement and anxiety that was inside me threathened to overwhelm me any second.
2 steps. I began to notice the cold expression the person holding my exam slip gave me. It this frozen look that would have scared any 9 year old kid away. And this couldn't be a good thing, I thought to myself.
1 step. Cold sweat rolled of my forehead and began to roll downs my cheeks and drip on to my already wet shirt due to perspiration. My vision blurred a bit and the whole world seem to spin, causing me to feel nauseous.
There was no turning back now. My future was right in front of me and only a hand reach away. I closed my eyes wishing I did more preparations for my exams now because all the negetive thoughts suddenly just poured down on me. The silly mistakes that I knew I made during my exams now seemed really crucial now. Why didn't I recheck my paper just one more time before handing it up? Why did I mis-interprete the question? Why did I waste so much time on such an easy questions?
Finally, I held my breath and willed my hand to reach out to get my exam slip. My future was in the palms of my hand.
At last, the wait it over!
I opened my eyes and counted my marks and found out that I,
Averaged out an A for all 4 of my subjects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wooohoooooo!!!!!!!
That includes BIOLOGY (the "best" subject in the world)!!!!
Eventhough I didn't score such a high A for bio, but what the heck? An A is still an A right? Nobody is really bothered how much you score as long as its an A!!!
I scored A in most of my papers except a few but it averaged out an A because I scored quite high for some of my papers . E.g Chemistry unit 3 - 120/120 and Maths 1 - 99/100 and Bio unit 1 - 96/100.
But I still want to resit those subjects that I didn't score too well just to make sure I secure the A.
Later on, me, Wen Bin, Michelle Yew, Wee Bing , Twin (Singular) and also Wei-Ping + Bf (I shall from now on refer them as a single individual because both of them are always together..hehe) decided to go to watch "V for Vandetta" in 1 Utama to celebrate.
The show was GREAT!!!
It had everything. A good plot, good actress, nice action scenes, a bit of romance.. EVERYTHING!!
I give it a 9 out of 10.
Go watch it!!!I highly recommend it.