Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Smilpy Aamizng

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tish.I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in awrod are,the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in therghitpclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit aporbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhotslpeling was ipmorantt!

So, I will try to bolg lkie tihs to see if tihs atcaully wrks.

Can you raed waht I'm wrtinig?

Cool eh?

How auobt my nmae?


Deos tish look rghit?

Aynawys, I'm so insanely broed tish few days. Got asblotuely ntoihng to do.

Been wtahcing lots of ainme now,

I so lcak of eexcrsie tehse few dyas! Need to go do smoe out-door atcivtiy. Lkie ginog for a mvioe or smeotihng lkie taht. So mnay good mvioes cminog out tish few mthnos.

For eaxpmle:

-X-men 3 (Geart sohw. Tough a bit on the sorht sdie!)

-Da-Vcnii Cdoe (Altuogh smoe pleope say it is not as good as the book. Wlel duh!! How can tehy cram scuh a tihck book into scuh a sohrt mvioe? And also I'm Knida aagnits tish mvioe bceuase it mis-laeds poelpe. But lkie the atuohr siad, It's all fction. So do not beilvee aynhtnig in the sohw. Jsut wctah it for etnreatniemnt.)

-M.I.3 (I've wthached tish arlaedy in the frist row of the cnimea if I mgiht add. It's qtiue good! Maggi Q is hot. And there wree smoe secens wehre Tom Curise was rnunnig so fsat, lkie smoe Olmpyic glod mdelaist. )

-Spureman (Lokos qutie itnresetnig!)

-Priaets of the Craribeban.

-The fsat and the fruiuos : Tkoyo Dfirt.

-And mnay mroe!

So, jsut gvie me a clal if you want to fnid smoe kaki to go wctah a mvioe!

Do you guys hvae any ieda how lnog it tekas to wtire lkie tish?

I olny hpoe I wno't wirte lkie tish in my emaxs!

But the eaximner soulhd udnretsnad waht I'm wtiring gua…..

Cool eh? Waht do you gyus tinhk?

Smilpy Aamizng!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Montien Vs Prego

Sorry for the lack of updates these past few days. I've been busy lazing around at home.

Last Friday and Saturday, me and my family had the chance to try out some really fancy food in 2 great restaurants.

First of all on Friday, we met up with one of my dad's friend my Australia and decided to have dinner at Montien, a Thai restaurant. Its located directly opposite TMC in bangsar. The row where they turned all the big bungalows into restaurant.

I must say, the food there was simply delicous. Just imagine, deep fried prawns cooked till its crispy brown and dipped in a special sweet Thai sauce. And the best part was the fish. Those people who know me really well would know that you can't have the word "Fish" and "Jo-Shua" in the same sentance. Bad experience I tell you..Badddddddd.

Anyways, Montien decided to do what in my opinion every single restaurant that sell's fish should do. They took out all the bones and left the meat inside the fish. Yumm. Lazy people would love this.

The only thing that I didn't like was the desert. Who in the world serves rice + mango for desert. The mango was nice but it really was kinda wierd because you would be eating rice that is hot and mango which is chilled at the same time. So should this be a hot desert or cold desert. I don't know.

I prefer my deserts less confusing.

On saturday, we went to Prego at Westin hotel to have some Italian food to celebrate my sister's 16th birthday.

Wait a minute. Wasn't her birthday on the 7th of May? Its almost one whole month already.

Well, we've been pretty busy these past few weeks so we didn't get the chance to realy celebrate.

So here we are. At Prego, where everything was really fancy

Their menu

Their fancy forks and spoons that are heavier than bricks. Seriously.

Fancy bread.

Fancy water which cost us RM 20. Its a rip off I tell you! It doesn't taste any different than your normal water. Diamond water might even taste better.

Decorations. (Yes, I know I miss-spelled "Decorations" but I'm too lazy to edit it.)

Fancy Salt and pepper shakers.

The place was really dark. I was only equipped with my lousy handphone camera.

Here's some better quality pictures with my dad's camera.

Later on they gave us some plastic Prego tomatoes to put on our nose

Here's our tiny appetizer.

The food here is only available in Hobbit's size or smaller. Frodo and hobbit gang rejoice!

The Lasagna that I ordered was the best among the other dish that we ordered.

Ok, so hows the food in Prego compared to Montien.

Well, I personally prefer Thai food and I'm really not a big fan of Italian food. So, 2 thumbs up for Montien and 1 thumb up for Prego! But for the atmosphere and decorations, Prego without a doubt beats Montien. No, questions asked.

And of course, you guys know that I'm not crazy over fancy dining. I would't mind having dinner or lunch at any smaller restaurants, hawker stalls or even mamaks.

Okay or not Okay?



Me : Hey mom, I think I got flu. I'm gonna go exercise now.

Mom : Since you've got flu shouldn't you not go exercise?

Me : Ermm, I think its since I've got flu so I should go exercise.

Apparently we both see 2 very different doctors. Either that or one of us have been reading the wrong Biology textbook. Most probably me.

Anyways, I went for a 5km jog and felt much better after that.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

X-men 3 : The Last Stand

Caution! Spoilers ahead. Please do not continue reading unless you don't mind knowing what will happen in X-men 3 : The Last Stand.


You have been warned!


X-men 3 : The Last Stand. One of the most anticipated movies of the year.


The X-Men, mutant heroes sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them, are back! This time, with the help of new recruits The Beast and Angel, they must face evolution itself in the form of their former teammate, Jean Grey. Possessed with the cosmic power of the Dark Phoenix, the resurrected Jean Grey has become a danger to herself, her mutant comrades, and the entire planet. To stave off this imminent threat to humanity, a potential cure is discovered and processed to treat -- and ultimately eliminate -- genetic mutations, once and for all. Now, as the battle lines are drawn, the X-Men, led by Professor Charles Xavier, must contend with both Jean Grey's world-consuming powers, as well as the malevolent Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organized under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

(Summary taken from

Some of you guys may be wondering how come I got to watch the show this early.

Well, thanks to Gadiy, I got free tickets to the premiere yesterday at GSC 1 Utama (Wednesday)

Woohoo!!!Thanks so much Gadiy!

Anyways, to me, X-men 3 is probably one of the best movie I've watched this year! The action scenes were nothing less than stunning. There were some good actors, such as the guy who played small kid angel , and also professor Xavier.

I enjoyed the show alot but I think it's biggest problem is that it ended way too early! They could have spent more times on some scenes and added some stuff here and there to tie up some loose knots.

And the other thing is, some parts of the show were just too dissapointing.

For example, (SPOILERS)

Right at the end of the show where wolverine was slowly approaching his crush, pheonix/Jean (she is one of the good X-men who turned bad and also the big bad final boss in this movie). It was cool the way phoenix/Jean tried to destroy him by tearing up his flesh. But since wolverine has this auto-healing thing in his genes, he practically had his body teared apart and rebuilt all the way to Phoenix/Jean. The tension was building up. Everyone were at the edge of this breath-taking scene. I'm sure everyone in the cinema was urging Wolverine to reach Phoenix/Jean. And when he finally does, everyone was expecting some emotional scene were Phoenix/Jean goes all lovey-dovey about Wolverine and some heart-touching flash-backs.

But all we got was ,

Phoenix/Jean : Save me!

Wolverine : *Stabs*

*Phoenix/Jean dies*

Scene ends!

Zhar Dou!

And the other wierd scene was when there were 4 bad mutants surrounding the head scientist. This scientist acutally invented this cure to make the mutants normal. And of course, the bad guys didn't like this. Anyways, they surrounded him and asked : Are you the one who invented the cure ? Well, obviously the bad guys didn't know whether they got the right scientist. But then, the scientist like gong-gong like that go answer : Yes, I am.


It's like handing yourself to the enemy. Enemy surrounding you still want to give them another reason to kill you meh?

And last but not least, I was dissapointed that Magneto depended too much on Phoenix/Jean to complete his goals. I was hoping for some good planning ala Mission Impossible style before Magneto rushing to kill everyone.

But, the show was still good. Great action scenes. There's a few very emotional scenes. Enough to keep you entertained for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

I liked the way the did the Phoenix/Jean Vs Xavier scene.

I like Phoenix/Jean evil look.

I liked the action scenes

I like Kitty Pryde

I would like more Kitty Pryde (Who can resist Kitty Pryde in a black leather suit?)

I liked the way Xavier's school was going down, and everyone splitting up. But in the ending coming together to fight.

I DIDN'T like the way Wolverine went Rambo all by himself into Magneto's "Base"

I didn't like the way they fought Magneto

I didn't like the way Storm used her powers. She seems pretty weak in this movie, but actually she is one of the stronger characters in the comic.

I didn't like the way Rouge ended up.

And about the ending. Haisehhhhhh. I was expecting much more to be honest. After watching the whole thing, you get this "Huh-so-thats-the-end-already-bu-bu-but-but *Tooooottttttttttt* ".

Its still a good movie so go ahead and watch it.

So what's my rating?

Lets just say if I was given a choice between this show and M.I.3, I woudn't know which one to choose.

So, X-men 3 = M.I.3

But, V for Vandetta > X-men 3/M.I.3

And, Kitty Pryde + Phoenix/Jean > Everyone else!

There you have it! Now, go watch X-men 3!

(And Thanks again Gadiy!)

Ermm, to all those who got spoiled by reading this, sorry arrr. Next time read from the top.

Monday, May 22, 2006


The songs I've been listening to these past few days :

(Some of these videos might take a long time to load up. But it's definately worth the wait)

Just Feel Better : Santana featuring the guy from aerosmith

Fantastic song. Great singing. But I have to say, Santana in this video reminds me of a certain plumber. Moustache and everything. If only he wore some blue overalls.

And Steve Tyler looks like Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Carribbeans.


Kokoro No Wakusei - Kayo Aiko (Ending for Law of Ueki)

Another great japanese song although I have no idea what she is singing other than "Planets.."

Oh ya, did I mentioned that this is the ending song for the Law of Ueki anime. Quite a nice anime!

And the best part is that the main character has the power to,

Turn Garbage into Trees!!

Yeahh, That deserves a big WTFish?

How's that for a superpower?


Life - YUI (Ending song for Bleach)

I love this song man! YUI rocks. This song has been in MP3 player a.k.a my Handphone since FOREVER.

The best ever ending song for an awesome anime. Don't know what's bleach? Think its some anime about cleaning clothes? Just click the link at the sidebar to find out more about it.

And here's some other songs that I'm too lazy to search for their videos.

Fall Out Boys - Sugar We're Going Down ( Nice song eventhough all you can hear is some mumbling in the chorus. Just like Jay Chou but much louder)

Kelly Clarkson - Walkaway (Watch the MTV!!)

What do you guys think?

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Guy with 0 Writting Talent

These few days I see alot of people posting poems on their blogs. Jezamine and Yih Hon (Once only) are some examples.

So, not wanting to be left out, I tried to write. But not surprisingly I failed miserably. I'm a science student maa. Cannot blame me. The only words that I can think of that rhymes with "happy" are "Chemistry" ,"Biology", "Thingy"..etc etc

0 Talent!

But, there's always google and yahoo to save the day. I went to search for some poems and I stumbled upon this Rap sorta poem.

Enjoy ,

*Rap intro like in Machi songs*

The other day I went with my frens to go lim kopi
I tell the uncle I want milo mix with my teh c
He say, "both put in one cup?" I say yes correct steady
The end I still get milo c and teh c SEPARATELY!

I tell the uncle "eh, don't say I just now didn't say,
I want them both together but you serve me in this way
If just now not clear say lah don't just gong gong say ok!"
He tell me make already no choice, shut up drink and pay!"

Bloody hell lah! Get it clear lah!
Uncle make me damn dulan!
Kanina lah!Get it clear lah!
How come always like that one?

Get it CLEAR!
I say how come you never hear?
Get it CLEAR!
You better listen with your ear!
Get it CLEAR!
I say liao one more time I fear
I will concuss!I will peng san! GET IT CLEAR!

The other day I went downstair to buy some vcd
I ask the ah beng there if he got Fearless by Jet Li
He tell me now got Fearless TWO and even Fearless THREE!
I say, "wah biang! so power!" then I buy back home and see

The end I watch what Fearless Three, lan jiao where got this show?
The vcd I buy is just that stupid show, "Hero"!
My frens who watch with me all say I damn bloody bodo
I say I thought I told him liao! How I suppose to know?

Bloody hell lah! Get it clear lah!
Hero is not Fearless Three!
Kanina lah! Get it clear lah!
I want Fearless show ONLY!

Get it CLEAR!
I say how come you never hear?
Get it CLEAR!
You better listen with your ear!
Get it CLEAR!
I say liao one more time I fear
I will concuss! I will peng san! GET IT CLEAR!

Bloody hell lah! Get it clear lah!
Wah lau! Make me damn pek chek!
Kanina lah! Get it clear lah!
Say until I sibeh gek!

-by an angry but really funny guy

Original source :

Hahaha..Damn funny laa. But so true.

P.S : Milo and teh c campur together nice meh? I thought they usually mix nescafe and milo...Wierd.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pyschology tests aren't only for pyscho people!

Yesterday I had to take some psychology test in Taylor's for JPA.

So there I was,




Edit : Yes, I know I said lonely twice.

I reached there at 8 am but the test was only supposed to start at 8.30am.

But them being Malaysians, the actual test only started at 10am!

Apparently some people were stuck in the traffic jam. Sheeshhhhhhh

I was greeeted by a gigantic blast of cold air the moment I entered the Multi Purpose Hall.

Oh Joy! As if the rain outside wasn't enough.

Anyways, I was freezing throughout the whole 195 questions. Yeap!! That's right! 195 questions!!

Why didn't they just made it to 200?Beats me.

Although it was so freezing cold, I still didn't put on any extra clothes a.k.a sweater.


Male ego loh!!!!And I blame my hormones for this. Haha. So, I tried best to keep myself warm by thinking of hot stuff! Water baths set to 40 degrees, hot bowl of noodles, and stuff like that. But the truth is, I was still stuck there frozen like some popsicle.

Anyways, I got to know some new people and I later found out that most of them were either doing ICPU or SAM. So that means they are either going to Canada or Australia.


Well, that explains why most of them aren't shivering in that hall.

I wonder how cold will New Zealand be ?

Will I look like an eskimo?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Don't go online, Don't go online, Don't go online,

Go study, Go study, Go study,






Ok, Maybe just 5 minutes.






Arrghhhhhhh!!!!! *Slaps Head!!*

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bebalu = Fail??

*Takes Deep Breath*


Bebalu Project has been cancelled because Kinabablu park is overbooked.

I'm so disappointed!!!!!


Haihhhhh. Me and Hao Wei were talking about this trip since last year. What happned?

Anyways, I had a feeling that it the project was going downwards. Suddenly everybody cannot confirm whether they can go or not. Everyone's making a big fuss on the air tickets.

But I still want to go!!!!! Maybe I'll go the end of this year. And I'll plan it on my own. I'll still go even if no one wants to join me.

We are still having our class trip but this time to some eastern Island instead. Maybe Pulau Redang or Perhentian.I guess it'll still be fun .

(Still depressed)

Went to hang out at Gadiy's place tonight. At first we wanted to play RISK, but since there was some argument on the rules, we decided to play poker instead!!

But of course we used RISK soldiers to bet instead because gambling with money isn't the sort of thing we christians do.

My army of green RISK soldiers!!!

So, we each were given X amount of soldiers at the beginning

Nigel's Troops arranged so nicely. He sorted it out by type and colour. Arrghhh, must resist temptation to mess it all up!!!!

Not surprisingly, I didn't do well in that game. Kept getting very lousy cards and ended up donating my troops to everybody.

But I wasn't the only one losing, there was still the evil genius a.k.a Kuan Kit around.The genius gambled until he had only 4 soldiers left!! And they were all "Rambos" i.e one man army!!Our six-pack Rambo!

Kuan Kit's 3 remaining plastic Rambos.

Hehe.. In the end, our evil genius was the first person to go bankcrupt.

And as punishment, he had to do 40 push up in public (But actually, not really, because there was no one around)

It was a fun game anyways. I really needed this crazy time to get a break from my exams! Thanks guys!

Later on, we went to Yuusof and I had, Cheese Naan!

Actually, I think the cheese naan here is better than the one in Steven's corner.

Yummmmm... Cheese Naan toasted till it's crispy brown...

Monday, May 08, 2006

What The *Toooooooot* ?

What a day!

Went for 8am Biology class this morning to sit for my unit 6 synoptic paper. Everything was blur-blur until I read the opening statement for question 2 :



What the?? Tits? Small Birds ? Is this Bio or is this porn?

Today is gonna be a wierd day, I thought to myself.

Anyways, I went back home and went on the internet to find out that The Great Tits IS a type of small bird!!

Actually its scientific name is Parus Major.

And meet its cousins, the Blue Tit, Willow Tit, and Creasted Tit. All the different type of tits.


What's next? The Great Balls?

So next time you spot a small bird one day, you are allowed to go " Hey Ma!! Look its Tits!!!!!"

Later, I also found that there is a guy named Jacques Tits!!

Is that his surname? Coz if it is then....(No Comment)

It'll probably be a turn off for girls. Imagine when he first introduce himself to girls

Jacques Tits : Yo, my name is Jacques...Jacques Tits..

Girl : *Slap!!!!!!!!!!!*

(And I got this from wikipedia)

Jacques Tits is a French mathematician, formerly Belgian. He has written and cowritten a large number of papers on a number of subjects, principally group theory. He is honorary professor at the College de France (Paris).

Tits received the Wolf Prize in 1993, the Cantor medal from the German Mathematical Society in 1996, and the German distinction "Pour le Mérite". He is a member of several Academies of Sciences.

Thats one smart Tit!!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Too Bored of Studying

I woke up yesterday morning and just realised that this coming week will be the last week of classes in college for me! Yup, and so ends my college life (though my exams are not over until June) or at least my normal college routine anyways.(Ya, I know we will still be called back for a few extra classes, but those are not official). Finished college, but not yet started Uni. This is the transition period, just like our transition metals in our periodic table. But unlike them, I don't form one or more stable ions with incomplete/partially filled d-orbitals (Ermm. I'm still studying for my finals ya. ).

Lots of stuff changed in college. So different compared to high school. Don't worry, I won't go into details but here are some stuff I find interesting,

Last time in school, I used to high-5 Yih Hon when we both combo-ed some funny stuff; Now, I high-5 Wei-Ping when I find that my answer is the same as hers (Probably because she scores 100% for everything. So having the same answer as her means that my answer will mmost probably be correct as well.)

Used to go eat Gu Lou Yok Fan or hang around DDP with friends in Taman Desa ; Now, we just grab some stuff to eat at Mc'D. (Mostly our own RM 4.70 combo set)

Used to have to take the bus to Kasturi for tuition ; Now, I have to take a bus to get to my classes.

Used to have nice tables and chairs ; Now, we have Tables that detach themselves every 5 minutes. Macam your automatic gate..

Used to have dirty toilets ; Cleaner now!!

Used to have Pn Sin giving us extra class ; Now, Miss Lai anybody?????

Used to have a canteen ; Now, we gotta walk all the way to HP building to get some food. Or else its Nasi lemak or Maggi Goreng everyday.


Just like our Master/Visa card or like the quality of Malaysia's national football team: Some things never change. I've made so many good friends around HELP that have made my life interesting so far, while still having great friends from my school like Yih Hon and Jez. I've still got a great chemistry teacher, Ms Lai who is so hard working, she's like ants on drugs, working day and night non-stop. Work, done!(Says it like the Peons in Warcraft 3 ). Even when she's pregnant. *Respect man!! Salutes!* Thus making us look like lazybums. Last time, in high school I also had a great chem teacher, Pn Sin! (Who was also pregnant BTW. concidence??) . And also I still get into very malang situations which I will not tell. Teachers still like to call out my name (either to answer questions or to use me in examples), for no apparent reason. Probably because, I have such a bully-able look a.k.a Water Fish! I still do stuff that my classmates would classify as a "Jo-Shua" thing to do. (What does it mean anyways?).

And last but not least ,

I'm still doing BIOLOGY!!

WTFish man? I promised myself not to take that subject after SPM, and here I am.
*Cough cough* ahemm, excuse me.

We will all separate again after our finals,

Michelle Yew : Back to Ipoh
Michelle Marie : Kepong/ Jinjang
Wen Bin : OUG (ehh..come back for bball on fridays arr!!!)
Prem : Taiping
The 3 musketeers, Punjab+Ruthren+Siva : Dunno...
Wei Ping : Kepong
Lee Yen : Hmmmmmm...actually, I don't know. Gotta ask her one day.
Twins : DJ
Jess : Back to JB
Shireen : TTDI
Mr. Goh : Sri Petaling
Esther : Kajang Satay!!
Hui Ning : Ermm..Forgot
Shalini : Most probably Aussie..
Jin Wei : DU.

On the bright side,


That's because most of my A-Levels exams are in the afternoon!!






Thursday, May 04, 2006

Project Not-So-Hot

Last Thursday we HELP's A44 Group A people had a great time celebrating our class crap's...I mean rep's birthday, Hao-Wei at Pizza Hut.

Well, it was a surprise birthday party, code named, "Project Not-So-Hot"

We ordered lots of pizzas for everyone. And Hao-Wei being the birthday boy, kena main-ed teruk-teruk by all of us.

Yup!!They practically drowned the whole slice of pizza with Tobasco sauce and made Hao-Wei eat it..

Poor Boy..


Yummmm...Hehe..Looks like someone's enjoying themself. Food Orgasm, as Marcuz would always say.

And Hao-Wei was like some big-shot celebrity that day. There were so many people taking photos of him cutting the cake. And everyone's cameras were overpowered by Hao-Wei's-new-camera-which-has-lens-bigger-than-your-water-bottle-and-flash-brighter-than-your-car's-headlights. Yup, Hao-Wei just bought a new "lots of megapixels" camera. It made my handphone camera look like a toy.

This is how me, Jin Wei and Wen Bin entertained ourselves..Hehe. Btw, that's a birthday cake knife.

P.S : Look at Wen Bin's expression.

Jin Wei, Malaysia's next top asssassin. Kills people with plastic knives with leftover chocolate cake on it. Tremble with fear you people out there!

Later, our whole class went a bit crazy on the bus back to our class. We sang happy birthday again on the bus (There were other HELP students on the bus). And when we came to the "happy birthday to HAO-WEI" part, everyone practically shouted out Hao-Wei's name.

Aiyoo, There goes his reputation laaaa. Confirmed gone case.

Anyways, Project Not-So-Hot was a success!!!We all had a great time that day!

Here's the link to the photos :

P.S : Yeahh, I know its kinda late to post this up.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I Know What I did Last Labour Day!

Yesterday was a public holiday for all of us - Labour day.

And nope, Labour day isn't the day where all pregnant women go into labour. (Zhar Dou!)

And what did I do yesterday??

Well, I woke up to find out that my parents bought me some japanese food for breakfast!! Together with a whole bunch of sushi!!

After finishing my breakfast, I decided to go to Bukit Kiara for a quick jog, just to keep myself healthy. Don't wanna fall sick just before the exam right??

Later on, I went back home to study..

Well, sort of anyways,

Look what I did :

Notes on the cupboard

Notes on the door

Hmmmm..Looks like somebody is in the study mood.

And you all may be wondering why there are more notes near my door than on my cupboard.

That's because our good friend here, Mr Hum, spends more time going in and out of his room more than the time staying in his room and study. So, he thought that he might as well increase productivity by sticking notes on my door.

Hmm...Which wall to attack next?? The toilet??

Yeahh, anyways, gotta go study now. I have bio unit 5 exam tommorow!!!

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